Who is Yasin Polat?

Hi, I’m Yasin Polat, the founder of UNILAB, where I manage various projects. I’m currently studying Bioengineering at Istanbul Medeniyet University. My journey started with projects like Legend Science and Dark Science and is shaped by my passion to dive into new fields of knowledge every day.

I am excited by the desire to discover innovative ways to contribute to the advancement of medicine, health and well-being. Astrobiology fuels my interest in the study of extraterrestrial life, while the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence and technology create a limitless playground for me. In the future, I want to continue my goal of making my mark on the world with different and dynamic projects.

I am currently studying at the Department of Bioengineering at Istanbul Medeniyet University. Neuroscience is a field that I am particularly interested in unraveling the mysteries of the human brain, and my pursuit in this field constantly pushes me forward.

I also have a keen interest in data science, agriculture, food science and especially bioinformatics. The fields of medicine, health and well-being are of fundamental importance to me and I am excited to explore innovative ways to contribute to these fields.

Astrobiology intrigues me as a field that studies life beyond Earth, while agriculture and botany, with their complex relationship with nature, lead me to develop a deeper understanding and relationship with the plant world.

Technology, especially artificial intelligence, is a playground of endless possibilities for me. Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence further fuel my desire to contribute to this field. Looking forward, large projects in diverse and dynamic fields seem like the perfect opportunity to make my mark in the world.